Swedish is spoken throughout Sweden and also in parts of southern Finland.
Although many Swedes speak excellent English and most travellers encounter very few problems being understood, locals will appreciate any attempts to speak their language.
Greetings | |
hej | hello |
godmorgon | good morning |
god middag | good afternoon |
godnatt | good night |
hej då | good bye |
ursäkta mig | excuse me |
snälla | please |
tack tack så mycket | thank you thank you very much |
varsågod | you're welcome |
Hur mår du? | How are you? |
Bra, tack | Well, thank you |
Getting things done | |
Talar du engelska? | Do you speak English? |
Jag förstår inte | I don't understand |
En öl snälla | One beer please |
Var är ...? Vart är du på väg? Var bor du? | Where is ...? Where are you going? Where do you live? |
turisrinformationen | the tourist information centre |
en toalett | a toilet |
Ett ögonblick | Just a minute |
ja | yes |
nej | no |
Read more: http://tungblog.atikomtrirat.com/
Category : Sweden,Swedish,
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